V&T?respects your privacy. Whether you are buying one of V&T' quality products, or just browsing the V&T?websites, V&T?wants to make you comfortable with our privacy policy.?If you do not agree to any of the following terms, please stop using this web site. In violation of these rules,?V&T?has the right to take legal and equitable remedies.
V&T尊重您的隱私。 無論您是購買V&T的優(yōu)質產品之一,還是只是瀏覽V&T網站,V&T都希望您對我們的隱私政策感到滿意。 如果您不同意以下任何條款,請停止使用此網站。 違反這些規(guī)定,V&T有權采取法律和公平的補救措施。
1. General principles for processing of personal data
In order to ensure that your personal data is processed correctly and with a suitable level of data protection, V&T?has adopted the following processing principles:
·?Personal data is processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner;
·?Personal data is collected only for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes.
·?Personal data shall be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed.
·?Personal Data shall be accurate and, where necessary kept up to date and inaccurate or incomplete personal data will be rectified or erased or further processing suspended.
為了確保正確處理您的個人數據并提供適當級別的數據保護,V&T采用了以下處理原則: ·以合法,公正和透明的方式處理個人數據; ·
僅出于指定的,明確的合法目的收集個人數據,并且不會以與這些目的不兼容的方式進一步處理個人數據。 ·
個人數據應足夠,相關且僅限于與處理目的有關的必要信息。 ·
2. Types of personal data
We will collect and process your personal data in a number of ways when you engage with us via the various existing channels.
Some of the personal data is necessary to process in order for us to provide you with the services you have requested and some personal data you can choose to provide voluntarily.
The personal data that we collect and process can generally be divided into the following categories:
·?Contact information such as name, address, phone number, email address, title, place of work, etc.
·?Information that you provide when contacting us via online contact forms, emails or phone
·?User information such as technical data regarding usage and viewing, including IP addresses when you visit our websites or applications, including on third party sites
·?Transaction information, including credit card information when you purchase goods or services from us
·?Information received via our hotline
As a general rule we will not process any special categories of personal data (special personal data) about you unless you have provided your explicit consent thereto or we are required to do in order to comply with applicable regulation.
個人資料的類型 當您通過各種現有渠道與我們聯系時,我們將以多種方式收集和處理您的個人數據。 為了使我們能夠為您提供所請求的服務,一些個人數據是必須處理的,您可以選擇自愿提供一些個人數據。 我們收集和處理的個人數據通??梢苑譃橐韵聨最悾?/span>
聯系信息,例如姓名,地址,電話號碼,電子郵件地址,職務,工作地點等。 ·
您通過在線聯系表格,電子郵件或電話與我們聯系時提供的信息 ·
用戶信息,例如有關使用和查看的技術數據,包括您訪問我們網站或應用程序(包括第三方網站)時的IP地址 ·
交易信息,包括從我們購買商品或服務時的信用卡信息 ·
3.?Our purposes for processing your personal data
We only process your personal in order to pursue a legitimate purpose and generally we will only process your personal data if:
·?You have provided your consent to such processing; or
·?The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract; or
·?The processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation that we are subject to; or
·?The processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us or by a third party and such processing is not considered to be harmful towards you.
We process your personal data for the following purposes:
·?To provide you with products, services and information that you request from us; or
·?To send you newsletters or other marketing material, including surveys; or
·?To administer our business relations and negotiate and execute agreements; or
·?To provide general customer service and support; or
·?To gain customer insights and knowledge of how our various services, including websites and applications, and products are used as well as evaluation and improvement hereof; or
·?To communicate with you regarding various matters; or
·?comply with any applicable law.
我們處理您的個人數據的目的 我們僅出于合法目的處理您的個人信息,并且通常,我們僅在以下情況下處理您的個人數據:
您已同意此類處理;或者 ·
處理是履行合同所必需的;或者 ·
處理對于遵守我們應承擔的法律義務是必要的;或者 ·
我們出于以下目的處理您的個人數據: ·
向您提供您要求我們提供的產品,服務和信息;或者 ·
向您發(fā)送新聞通訊或其他市場營銷材料,包括調查;或者 ·
管理我們的業(yè)務關系并談判和執(zhí)行協議;或者 ·
提供一般的客戶服務和支持;或者 ·
獲得客戶的見解和知識,以了解我們如何使用各種服務(包括網站和應用程序以及產品)以及對其進行評估和改進;或者 ·
就各種事務與您進行溝通;或者 ·
4. Cookies
We may use cookies on our websites or our applications. Please read more about the use of cookies in our cookie policy, which you can find in the footer of each website.
The purposes of processing of data collected by the use of cookies, are the following:
·?to operate, improve and optimize the performance and user experience of the website and its services,
·?perform customer and user analysis and segmentation in order to improve our understanding of our users, and provide better and tailored services to users, including you,
·?statistical purposes.
我們可能會在我們的網站或應用程序中使用Cookie。 請在我們的cookie政策中詳細了解cookie的用法,您可以在每個網站的頁腳中找到該政策。
處理通過使用cookie收集的數據的目的如下: ·
操作,改善和優(yōu)化網站及其服務的性能和用戶體驗, ·
5?Disclosure, transfer and making available personal data to recipients
Our disclosure and transfer of your personal data to recipients (natural or legal persons, public authorities, agencies or another body, to which the personal data is disclosed) is kept to a minimum.
We may disclose or make personal data available to recipients under the following circumstances:
·?Recipients who carry out services on our behalf, such as e.g. hosting, cloud computing, IT-support, marketing services, administrative services, training services or other data processing. Such recipients are only allowed to process the personal data in accordance with our instructions; or
·?To establish, exercise or defend our legal rights; or
·?If you have provided your prior consent to the disclosure of personal data to a recipient or
·?In the event of any merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer or other disposition of all or any portion of V&T’ assets or stock (including without limitation in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceedings) or
·?As set out in our cookie-policy, cf. section 4 above.
在以下情況下,我們可能會向收件人披露或提供個人數據: ·
代表我們開展服務的收件人,例如托管,云計算,IT支持,營銷服務,管理服務,培訓服務或其他數據處理。僅允許此類收件人按照我們的說明處理個人數據;或者 ·
建立,行使或捍衛(wèi)我們的合法權利;或者 ·
如果您事先同意將個人數據披露給收件人或 ·
6. Your consent
As stated above some of our processing activities will be based on your consent. In such case, you will have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.
If you withdraw your consent, we will cease to process your personal data, unless and to the extent the continued processing or storage is permitted or required according to the applicable personal data legislation or other applicable laws and regulations.
Please note that the withdrawal of your consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing conducted prior to the withdrawal. Further, as a consequence of your withdrawal of your consent, we may not be able to satisfy your requests or provide you with our services.
如上所述,我們的某些加工活動將基于您的同意。 在這種情況下,您將有權隨時撤回您的同意。
請注意,撤回您的同意不會影響撤回之前進行處理的合法性。 此外,由于您撤回您的同意,我們可能無法滿足您的要求或為您提供我們的服務。
7. Data Security
In order to safeguard your personal data, V&T?has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risks represented by the processing and the nature of the personal data to be protected, having regard to the state of art and the costs of their implementation.
Following the evaluation of the risk, V&T?has taken measures to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction or accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, in particular where the processing involves the transmission of personal data over a network, and against all other unlawful forms of processing.
為了保護您的個人數據,V&T采取了適當的技術和組織措施,以確保適當的安全級別,以適應由處理和受保護的個人數據的性質所代表的風險,同時考慮到最新的技術水平和安全性。 實施成本。
在評估風險之后,V&T已采取措施保護個人數據免遭意外或非法破壞或意外丟失,更改,未經授權的披露或訪問,尤其是在處理涉及通過網絡傳輸個人數據的情況下,以及在所有其他情況下 非法形式的處理。
8. Links to other websites, etc.
Our websites may contain links to other websites or to integrated sites. We are not responsible for the contents of the websites of other companies (third-party websites) or for the practices of such companies regarding the collection of personal data. When you visit third-party websites, you should read the owners' policies on the protection of personal data and other relevant policies.
鏈接到其他網站等 我們的網站可能包含指向其他網站或集成網站的鏈接。 對于其他公司網站(第三方網站)的內容或此類公司在收集個人數據方面的行為,我們概不負責。 當您訪問第三方網站時,您應該閱讀所有者對個人數據的保護政策以及其他相關政策。
9. Changes to this Privacy Policy
We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy in the future due to changes in applicable legislation, We will not inform you of any such amendments.